Sunday, December 7, 2008

God's second thoughts

Because I did not see you at the store
I bought only a few seeds. Then I walked
to the paths by the river where the thin
natives scrape out a living, fishing when
the need moves them. I didn't see them there--
their huts were empty--I guess they were in
hiding, but what harm would I do to them?
I wanted to drop some seeds in the midst
of their bleak habitat though chances were slim
something--what I don't know--would take root,
sprout, and--for good or ill--grow. I took them
from the bin that said: "Seeds, not much good, old
+ what kind uncertain." Don't worry though!
While they could well be seeds of destruction,
I kept them in my pocket, unused, dry,
not wanting to screw with the perfection
of what we'd set in motion years ago.

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